CSS Igniter Hotelmotel WordPress Theme

CSS Igniter Hotelmotel WordPress Theme is a truly unique WordPress theme for Hotels.


CSS Igniter Hotelmotel WordPress Theme 1

CSS Igniter Hotelmotel WordPress Theme Feature

  • Booking Form. Let your visitors get in touch with you using Hotel Motel’s fully integrated booking request form.
  • Powerful Shortcodes. Create endless page variations using Hotel Motel’s slider, booking form and content shortcodes.
  • Custom Widgets. Custom widgets mean more functionality. Content widgets, social networking, Twitter, Instagram, and more.
  • Flexible Layout Options. Create your homepage out of widgets and select any number of column layouts for your listings.
  • Multiple Color Schemes. Choose from multiple, carefully selected color schemes, or even assign a different color scheme for each page.
  • SEO Optimized. CSS Igniter’s HotelMotel WordPress theme will help you rank higher in search engines like Google, Bing or Yahoo!


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